Monday, July 4, 2016

[Japanese Movie Review] Aku no Kyouten / Lesson of the Evil

Another Japanese movie review from me. Aku no Kyouten, or in English it literally means the Lesson of the Evil. This movie is a thriller genre movie located in the school, aired in 2012.

Hasumi Seiji (played by Ito Hideaki) is a teacher in one of a Japanese high school. He is a Harvard graduate and is a genius. The students love Hasumi very much.

One day, one of his student's house is burned. Also, one by one of his students start to be missing. Tsurii Masanobu (played by Fukikoshi Mitsuru), a loner Physics teacher, realized something wrong with Hasumi.

Hayami Keisuke (played by Sometani Shota) is a genius, sly student in the school. He realized that Tsurii Sensei know something. Then, Tsurii Sensei started to explain everything he knew.

They suspected that Hasumi is a psychopath killer and when they tried to find out the reality, something happened to them...

A thriller movie is one of my favourite genre of movie. This movie is sooo thrilling, and the concept of the movie is quite unique to me. The story is quite predictable I guess, but it's still thrilling. Also, there are some scenes in this movie which is quite disturbing for me, so better be prepared for that.

For those who like a thriller movie, this movie is so recommended. I give this movie 8 out of 10 points.

*This review is just a personal opinion and made by me who is a newbie reviewer, if you find any mistakes, feel free to make a correction*


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